Tapan Savani

Developer | Tester

About Me

About Me

I'm Tapan Savani, recently graduated from Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara (IIITV).
I build websites(mostly backend) while exploring the exciting field of cyber security.

My Resume

My Resume


Software Developer

16/05/2022 - 16/07/2022 [Summer Internship]
07/12/2022 - 23/06/2023 [Winter Internship]

Augean EntERPrise Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Project - TechSTILE

Tech stack - Django, MySQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, AWS S3, MessageBird API, Postman

  • TechSTILE is basically an ERP for textile industry.
  • Worked on asynchronous processing of requests and notifications engine.
  • Generated invoices using asynchronous processing and sent on whatsapp and telegram using APIs.
  • Transfered created invoices to AWS S3 bucket.
  • Developer an transaction for quality check for circular knitting machines.
  • Created different report for transactions
  • Code Optimizations
  • Product Testing

Backend Developer

18/10/2021 - 18/01/2022


Project - Foodica

Tech stack - Django, MySQL, Paytm API

  • Foodica is food delivery website.
  • In Foodica implemented password reset feature so that users can now reset their password if they forgot or wants to change.
  • Integrated Paytm as payment gateway for food ordering and fixed some bugs.


Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Information Technology

07/2019 - 05/2023

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara

CGPA: 8.11/10

Higher Secondary

07/2017 - 03/2019

I P Savani High School

GRADE: 75%



Ramkrishna Vidhyabhavan

GRADE: 89%


Books - CRUD


Docker, Jenkins, Heroku, Github, Django

  • Automated the software development process using docker, jenkins, heroku and github.
  • Project consists of CRUD(create, read, update and delete) operations on books details.
  • As soon as you push your code changes to github using webhooks it will automatically triggers job for jenkins which consist of build, test, deploy phase.
  • On successfully completion of test cases it will automatically deploy changes to heroku.

GHS: Global healthcare system


Django, Bootstrap

  • Implemented a web application that Simplifies medical procedures by organizing and preserving each user's health data.
  • Built a platform where users/doctors can register and able to see their history of medical expenditure.
  • Users can book their appointment with any doctor and they can also search for a doctor by selecting a doctor's degree or specialty.

Movie recommendation SYSTEM


Nltk, Sklearn, Numpy, Pandas

  • Created content based recommended system to find similar movies for given movie.
  • Used many library/modules like numpy, pandas, nltk, sklearn, pickle etc.
  • Different techniques are also used like stop-word removal, stemming, vectorizer, cosine similarity for data cleaning and processing.



Django, Spotify API, Bootstrap

  • Introduced a platform where user can publish their music publicly or privately and share it with their friends.
  • Integrated Spotify API to search for a song and Twilio API for verifying user registration by sending OTP on their phone number.

Bike rental management system


Django, Razorpay, MySQL, Bootstrap

  • Developed a system which will give bikes on rent with hourly, daily and weekly basis.
  • Filtered bike according to bike color, type, model, brand for ease of bike searching.
  • Integrated razorpay as payment gateway, so that users can pay online and generate payment receipt online.


In Top 3% on tryhackme - learning penetration testing

Accomplished Rank 11 in All-Rounder event of IEEE 360 conducted by BIT-mersa.

Achieved Rank 14 among more than 200 teams in hackathon HackX organized by Scaler by InterviewBit.

Solved 1.2k+ Problems of DS and Algorithms on Codeforces, Codechef.

Currently having STOPSTALK Institute rank - 1 (World Rank - 740) and GFG Institute rank - 7.

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Gujarat, India

